heaven's globe

These are deeper thoughts that runs through my mind which doesn't show up in my daily blog and UNEXPLAINED dreams... Are the things that happened being planned by God or is it a choice given by him. When things doesn't happen the way you thought it might, is he guiding us to a better route? What does your dreams tell you...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Watching me from above

I havent been writing about my dreams anymore as too many things have been going on. And the most recent dream manage to put me through fear and ending in tears when I woke.
God is watching over me... please guide me through this period... teach me the right words. Guide me to the right path.
Give me strength and courage... and always walking by my side. You have created many things for me, happy and sad...
Allow me to move on... pls Father...

Thanks to all who are and always have been praying for me...


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