heaven's globe

These are deeper thoughts that runs through my mind which doesn't show up in my daily blog and UNEXPLAINED dreams... Are the things that happened being planned by God or is it a choice given by him. When things doesn't happen the way you thought it might, is he guiding us to a better route? What does your dreams tell you...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Complicated once again. I woke and slept again. So it's 2 seperate dreams.
  • I was at the backyard of my artroom grasspatch. Forgotten wat I was trying to do.
  • There were deep trap holes of dirt and scary stuffs...
  • Snakes.... giant ants and bugs... yellow frogs or toads...
  • I was trying to jump across all these stuff to find a good patch, I have no idea wat for....
Next dream...
  • I was in a competition... there were 12 people... one by one people were eliminated.
  • Knew some of them... some I dont.
  • Weird competition, we have a series of task of perform.
  • one was in this chic little cottage like resturant. Not sure wat we were trying to achieve.
  • I was at the beautiful balcony of the resturant at 2nd level. The moon was huge and beautiful in the sky...
  • There was this strange gigantic Doraemon Elastic wind chime in the sky coming down.(VERY STRANGE INDEED, esp when I do not like Doraemon)
  • I was told to hold on to one of the chimes, so I jumped off the balcony grabbing on to one of the charms. And I was Springed Upwards into the sky... OOOOooooo!!! It was like bungee jumping...
  • Slowly people were eliminated thru a few task.
  • Then we at the helicopter going somewhere... No idea where...
  • We end up in the bookstore and were told we need to find some books and place garlic in them??? (yea I noe... HUH....??) IThere were only about 6 or 7 of us by now.
  • Then we were spose to study these books(psychology books) and sorta be tested on them.
  • Towards the end... I have no idea wat happened but I was near BrasBahsa walking towards Raffles City to meet someone. Then a guy went ahead of me and I told him..."YER LATE!!!" and I laughed... we were surpose to meet at 12.45pm at Raffles City but we have not steped into the building. The turned around smiling, "hey yer not there yet"
    I have no idea who this guy was and I cant realli remember how he looked.
Then I woke up... strange dreams once again as usual...


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