heaven's globe

These are deeper thoughts that runs through my mind which doesn't show up in my daily blog and UNEXPLAINED dreams... Are the things that happened being planned by God or is it a choice given by him. When things doesn't happen the way you thought it might, is he guiding us to a better route? What does your dreams tell you...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Had this dream on the 2nd nite in Bangkok I think...
it happened jus 10mins into falling asleep. Leaving me gasping to wake up.

My aunt was calling me... it was a dark road with some shops. I do not noe why I was running on the road. It feels like Bangkok. I'm looking for something maybe? I was holding something in my right hand.

I just forced myself to wake up somehow. I felt that my eyes are closed, yet Im able to see the room I was sleeping in, in bed. But I COULD NOT WAKE UP. I kept forcing myself to wake up, so I kept praying... when I finally manage to truely open my eyes wide. I heard a voice but I could not quite make wat was it. It was a male voice. I turned to my right to see my mom sleeping in bed next to mine.
I stayed awake for quite a while and decided to turned the TV back on. It was still "BRAINIAC" on discovery channel. I turned it off when I was falling asleep thou I wanted to finish the last few mins of it.
Thats when I realise I probably only slept for 10 mins or so. Then my dad woke up wondering why the TV was on.


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