heaven's globe

These are deeper thoughts that runs through my mind which doesn't show up in my daily blog and UNEXPLAINED dreams... Are the things that happened being planned by God or is it a choice given by him. When things doesn't happen the way you thought it might, is he guiding us to a better route? What does your dreams tell you...

Sunday, July 23, 2006


This dream happen after a surprise phone call from B, our last normal conversation on the phone was on my birthday back in March... I almost lost the feelin of us having a nice normal conversation of our daily lives.
I never expected him to call a week after tat intense call I made to try to understand our situation. End result of this call?... I understand better but not completely. God guide me...

I was on the train riding towards Bukit Batok looking out. Standing in front of me was a guy I never knew. However... strange enough he is one of the contestants on Singapore idol. Which makes it even weirder caused I didnt like the show or surport any of the people in there.
It felt as if I knew him and he kissed me on the lips. It felt sweet but I was confused inside. wondering if I have already told him bout B. But I will and I had to. Cheating is not in my list ever..........

Back in Australia... theres someone I'm waiting for thou he implied he didnt wanna noe that I'm waiting and sorts. He claims he's weird. Our relationship was wat he calls on suspension.
He just plainly says he wants to be alone for now and I'm reading too much into it.

I alighted and met up with my colleague who is on temp. contract at my workplace. I guess I have told her bout this new guy. All she kept saying was not to trust him as I hardly know him. It was raining and all and we got caught in the rain.

Then suddenly I was in this shopping centre I havent see. I was at this shop and smthing caught my attention. Beautiful silk embroidery boots. I have never see anything like this ever and I liked it so much... I even tried it on but it cost $160 and I havent had any cash with me. I think I was meant to be shopping with this new guy just as a fren but I was alone walking round. Which was okay. I kept thinking about him but I know I will never do things like holding his hand and stuffs couples do.
I wondered off into this small room filled with grafiti. It was beautiful. Some people where there working on it still. Then I left after a while.

Felt lost in this huge shopping centre but I manage to find my way to the escalator and I realise that the place I'm in, is a hotel at the same time.
The escalator went up and I was back on the surface again. The place was beautiful in an urban kindda way. I saw an underground train station call Isanto.
The weather was coolin and the air was fresh somehow it felt like I was back in Australia and I was wondering if I was.
Then I kept thinking about B as I walked out of the building with a bitter sweet solitary feeling... walking towards the river with hands in my coat...

That was the end of my dream and I woke up realising I had to go to work.
That bitter sweet feeling remained... and I was lost once again...

May everything be back to the way it was when we were happy this comming Nov... only God knows wat will happen...


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