heaven's globe

These are deeper thoughts that runs through my mind which doesn't show up in my daily blog and UNEXPLAINED dreams... Are the things that happened being planned by God or is it a choice given by him. When things doesn't happen the way you thought it might, is he guiding us to a better route? What does your dreams tell you...

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Got to know a few new friends recently. However I have been giving them a hard time.
1stly... if you are a guy I hardly know, I do not feel obligated to treat u any better.
2ndly... I hate being asked personal questions esp. if I do not know you well.
3rdly... do not ask about my so call Bf.
4th... do not ask me to call or meet u IMMEADIATELY when we freaking do no know each other well enough.

This is my attitude towards such situation. If you are sincere enough to just wanna be a friend... you DO NOT need to ask if I'm attach, married and wat have you.
And do not ask stupid offensive questions like... example... if I'm not having dinner... DO NOT assume that I'm on a DIET or that I have no MONEY!!!! Thats pretty offensive to me. Esp. when I'm not in a brilliant mood to begin with. It's worse when guys I use to experience during my younger daes wans to know height and weight. I mean... go DO yourself. I know these guys still exsist.
There is a simple, non invasive way of askin, "so why are you not having dinner?" I would jolly give u a proper ans.

My mood was better this 2 days. And just so happen I had a proper nicer conversation with one of them. I didnt wanna sms him but he cld if he wanted. Wasn't interested to talk to him on the phone but if he contact me on the rite moment, its fine.
I was charging my phone so I didnt wanna use my hp while it's charging so he waited and said that he might fall asleep by then.
In my usual glory... my reaction wld be... do u think I care? An hour later I decided to hit the sack and go through the usual ritual of reading my Bible b4 bed.
Another sms came, askin if I was still online. Technically I was but onli to download stuffs. SO I told him the truth that I was reading my Bible and going to bed after.
At the same time to observe what kindda reaction I wld get.
Then the reaction was oh okay... shall not disturb your peace then.

The next dae... I was in a mood for a movie. Surprisingly... he smsed me. So I tot... okay... I wanted to go for a movie anyways. But if he doesnt agree to my terms then I'm fine without it. He was totally okay with wat I wanted thou he seems to reject at 1st. When he does... I wld always tell him its okay. We do not have to meet anyways. I didnt really bother.

The night came and he asked if I could push the movie later to 11pm+ as he might be late... I said no to it as I do not wish to be home too late. Then I said its okay if he cannot make it, I can always watch it alone at my own time or with other friends. Then he said he would prefer to watch it with me then he msged that he would most likely be able to make it.

9.30pm... we were to meet at 10pm. He called saying if we cld meet for the 11pm+ movie. I had to tell him off that I do not wish to and it's okay. He was sorry about it but I wasnt bothered by it anyways.

I was thinking to myself. Is it right for me to meet him... since I had B in mind. Did he or WILL he do the same to me behind my back.
Well... the difference is... I'm clear of wat Im doing and I will always prewarn and remind the guys I'm out with that I'm attached.
Does he ever do the same esp. in our situation now? I will never know.
And I probably dun wanna know but I do not wish for him to DATE other gals esp. after wat he said to me. He just plainly wans to be alone. He better hold on to those words.

Have I left it to God to handle this... in my mind... I was thinking wats right and wats wrong. Is there realli a black and white ans. to this? So I told myself... if it doesnt go my way in my terms then it wasnt meant to happen then maybe God is not allowing me to meet this new guy anyways. And I'm totally fine with it. In fact... I was rather happy.
Turns out... the guy realli cld not make it on time. Oh jolly~~~ haha...

What should I do next... I do not know realli... shall leave it to God and hopefully it wld be easy on my emotions... thats all I ask for. To be calm and have peace in mind.

Pardon me for any weird grammer mistakes... its like 2am now...


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